WEEK 11th – (25th to 29th of May)

Some points to ponder:

The Extensive Reading:
As you know, you have to read the book called Rain man, which can be downloaded here(web album), here (.doc) or here (.pdf) or copied at Cigeno (there is a page missing, and I am solving this ASAP). If you'd like you can watch the film. I hope you enjoy it. The test will be written.

You can dowload the film here: click (You'll find a list of links. Dowload them, uncompress them and enjoy :-) )

The handouts:
We haven't finished with the spelling handout, so you must bring it to all classes until we end with it. There are three other handouts at the copy centre (Cígeno), in the SIGA, and here as usual. I numbered them. You have to bring number 1 (The Best Tiem to Be Alive) next Monday 25th.
Number 1:
right click: "guardar enlace como": The best time to be alive.doc
right click: "guardar enlace como": The best time to be alive.pdf

Number 2:
right click: "guardar enlace como": Are you getting enough sleep.doc
right click: "guardar enlace como": Are you getting enough sleep.pdf

Number 3:
right click: "guardar enlace como": For and Against Bilingual Education.doc
right click: "guardar enlace como": For and Against Bilingual Education.pdf

The short story:
Don't forget that the deadline is on Monday 8th of June and the feedback on Thursday 4th of June (You have to show your progress on that day).

The grammar in your texts:
You have improved your punctuation, but the progress is little in grammar. Some of you are still making the same mistakes and that is a situation that will bring you trouble in the future. We must pay special attention to your grammar. In future corrections, I am going to discount the double of points when you make elementary mistakes. What's an elementary mistake? Well, that is something we're going to see in class.
Have good week!
Comments are welcome.

This is the one

I got fed up wiith the other blog, so I decided to create a new one.
I hope the information is clearer here. Do you like this one or preffer the old one?

Some useful links

This Blog

Éste es un blog informativo, de opinión y de uso general para la clase de Lectura y Composición en Inglés 2 de nuesto Departamento de Educación y Humanidades en la Universidad Arturo Prat.

Este blog está pensado para comunicar información referente a las clases, y a su vez es un registro ayudamemoria para todos nosotros. También se podrá utilizar en actividades de clase, y porqué no, de alguna propuesta de uds.