Portfolio and other FAQs

FAQ means "frequently asked questions." Here you will find the questions you've been asking me when I have seen you in any part of the university.

1- Teacher. How many essays do we have to write, finally? Some classmates are saying that you said "two" in class. How many, then?

That's right. I said two essays during our classes. But now the situation has changed. I already have too much to correct, so I only need you to write one essay. Well, that is the essay that you have already given to me.
If you wrote the second essay, you can give it to me and I can consider it as part of your mark.

2- How do I write the reflections?

Well, as it was said in the iduction session in the lab, you have to write two kinds of reflections. 1) a general reflection, where you consider your work during the term, good and bad aspects, and 2) specific reflections per artifact, where you mention the draft and the asignment, the complications you had, your achievement. I short, the reflections are about how you wrote, not about the topics you wrote about. If you want to mention that you like writing about this topic or no, do it, but in an introdution, not in the reflection. (I'll try to write a couple of samples of reflections)

3- Teacher, when are you going to give us our essays and stories back, so we can include them in the portfolio? Thanks.

I asume that you have copies of the asigments you submit to all you subjects, so you can include that copy in the portfolio. BUT, I think it is very convenient that you know how good your stories and essays were, so I am working to give all your asignments back before you give me the portfolios; that way, you can consider those marks in the reflection, if you wish to do so. I can have that ready for this Friday at 4 in the afternoon. (If you are coming, please send me a message to leave your essays as priority. That was I can guarantee that I will have it, and I can save energies by checking the ones that you'll pick up)

If I get more I will post them here.




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Éste es un blog informativo, de opinión y de uso general para la clase de Lectura y Composición en Inglés 2 de nuesto Departamento de Educación y Humanidades en la Universidad Arturo Prat.

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